Tag Archives: Wellfleet town meeting

Sacrificing for the greater good; or not [op-ed CCT 17 April 2012]

In recent years we’ve bought ourselves a lot of nice items here in Wellfleet. Expensive, but nice. A quantum leap of a DPW facility, $7.68 million worth of state-of-the-art fire station, a beautiful senior center about 10 times as big as the old one, a spiffy remodel of the pier with perimeter promenade for taking […]

Wellfleet town meeting: doing the after math [May 2009 / CCT]

OK, on the premise that Wellfleet, as a canary in the coal mine of contemporary regulatory America, is of interest elsewhere (a parochial premise, I know): our recent town meeting. Much of the first night consisted of rubber -stamping budget items which in most cases most citizens didn’t know enough about to either approve or […]