Monthly Archives: June 2012

Our crazy climate change situation [op-ed CCT 26 June 2012]

The climate change situation we’re in gets crazier by the day. Like most people, I lack the educational background to check up on the validity of scientists’ worries about the climate future. But I can count and there seems no question that a strong consensus of those scientists expressing opinions and journalists following the issue […]

The fallacy of underdog appeal [op-ed CCT [29 January 2008}

Go Pats! 18-0, the most wins in a season ever, and poised for immortality. Let’s hear it for the top dog. May the greatest get even greater. Doesn’t sound right, does it? Sort of immoral, like “May the rich get richer.” Most people say they prefer to root for the underdog. It just seems like […]

Wind turbines, climate change and sacrifice [op-ed CCT 12 June 2012]

There’s an intriguing battle raging right now as reflected in the pages of this newspaper. “Prepare now for climate change,” sternly lectures S. Jeffress Williams in a recent My View piece. “A consensus to harm citizens?” scolds Eric Bibler in another My View, referring to the wind turbine controversy in Falmouth. On the one hand, […]